Alternative Graduation at the Boğaziçi University

2 minute read


Protest as an Alternative Graduation
Boğaziçi Univesity Alternative Graduation!

At Boğaziçi University, students, academics, and alumni have taken a stand against the university’s administration by organizing an alternative graduation ceremony. This act of resistance came in response to the administration’s decision to hold a pre-recorded, online graduation ceremony, which many saw as a cowardly move to avoid facing the students and potential protests. The newly appointed rector, Prof. Dr. Naci İnci, has been widely criticized for his undemocratic leadership style, including the unjust dismissal of beloved professors and the disregard for the university’s academic traditions.

For us, the students, this alternative ceremony was more than just a celebration—it was a powerful statement against the administration’s authoritarian practices. Hundreds of us gathered, along with our families and supportive academics, to create a graduation event that truly reflected the values of Boğaziçi: openness, participation, and democracy. We handed out alternative diplomas, chose our own deans and rectors, and celebrated our achievements in a way that the administration refused to allow.

The administration’s decision to hold an online ceremony, citing COVID-19 as an excuse, felt like a slap in the face. Last year, during the height of the pandemic, we managed to hold an in-person graduation with proper safety measures. This year, with vaccinations widely available, there was no legitimate reason to avoid a real ceremony—except the administration’s fear of facing us and our dissent.

We see Naci İnci as just another figure in a long line of undemocratic appointments, following in the footsteps of Melih Bulu, who was also imposed on us without our consent. Bulu had arrogantly claimed that the protests would die down in six months, but we proved him wrong. Now, we’re sending the same message to İnci: we won’t back down. Over 95% of the academic staff and the student body have expressed their lack of trust in him, yet he continues to cling to his position, ignoring our voices and our rights.

The alternative graduation ceremony was a reminder of what Boğaziçi stands for: a place where students and academics come together to challenge injustice and uphold democratic values. It was a celebration of our resilience and our refusal to let the administration erase the spirit of our university. We don’t just want a new rector—we want a rector who is chosen by us, not imposed on us. Until then, we’ll keep fighting for our university and its future.

News link (Turkish)